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Cafe Kiosk for Sale – 3 Common Buyer Mistakes You Need to Avoid

If you’re looking to buy a café kiosk for sale it could turn out to be a great investment for you. The kiosks are economical to run and ergonomically designed. However, to ensure that you reap the rewards of your purchase, there are a few common buyer mistakes that you should try to avoid.

Cafe Kiosk for Sale – Sizing up Your Investment

The larger the café kiosk for sale that you buy the greater scope you will have to serve customers. However, bigger is not necessarily better. Consider the plot sizes available in the area in which you want to trade – there may only be small plots available. Rent prices per square metre may also be extremely high – the smaller your kiosk the less rent you will have to pay.

Cafe Kiosk for Sale – The Devil’s in the Tender details

If you buy a café kiosk for sale that comes with a plot it is imperative that you consider a few things before completing the deal. How long is the lease? Is the plot indoors or out? If you’re going to be inside there may be restrictions on cooked food. Are there other kiosks about already serving similar goods to you? Is the area historically lucrative for kiosk owners?

Cafe Kiosk

Cafe Kiosk for Sale – Don’t Worry too much about Equipment

Obviously it is important to consider the kit that is included in a café kiosk for sale – but don’t make this a deal breaker. If you find that the kiosk doesn’t quite have all the equipment you need, AJC Retail can assist you by installing your kiosk with all the catering equipment you need.

Click the following link to find out more about our cafe kiosks or for information on welfare cabins click here

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