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Case Study : Get Noticed In A Competitive High Street


In a competitive retail environment one of the challenges is how to get your shop noticed by passing footfall. Its unlikely that you will be the only coffee shop on your high street so what can you do to make your shop look and feel different.

Good design, the creative use of materials and working with a professional retail solutions shopfitter can help you get noticed.

Retail Project Background

Many shops and cafes have a limited frontage, good levels of footfall but face both face both direct and indirect competition. How the unit looks is a key element in helping to capture passing trade. The external signage, work-surfaces and internal displays all influence how a customer will perceive your products before they actually get to the point of purchase.

Materials and finishes create a high impact environment

A recent project involved co-ordinating a number of materials and finishes for a premium quality coffee shop

  • Hand embossed copper panels

  • Textured tiling

  • Granite style counters

  • raised clear signage

  • Hand embossed copper panels featuring the companies logo provided a dramatic wall covering. The untreated copper finish created a natural and stylish finish, instantly portraying a different visual lookl. The embossing created a feel of the artistry and craft of the store, much like the coffee and pastries that were provided.
  • Textured tiling on the back wall and front counter added depth to a narrow space and created an area that had texture and feel. Something as simple as textured tiling created a dramatically different feeling.
  • Granite style counters complemented the tiling and copper bringing all the aspects together. Additional marble and wooden plinths for displaying the cakes and coffee’s created a quality feel.
  • A raised clear perspex board, with white handwritten information provided information on the products available. This signage looked both classy and complemented the craft and artistry provided by the coffee shop

The resulting retail solution  

Following the development the coffee shop

  • Achieved an improved brand position
  • Increased positive awareness among shoppers


For more information on retail solutions contact AJC Retail on 01582 486663

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