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Coffee Kiosk Design – How to Stand Out from the Crowd

In the competitive coffee industry it can be difficult to get noticed. With so many choices available for consumers it’s easy to blend into the crowd. That begs the question then – how can you set yourself apart? In this article we discuss just that and consider how your coffee kiosk design can make all the difference.

Coffee Kiosk Design – Catch the Eye

An arresting design will help to attract customers to your kiosk. There are endless ways you can achieve an eye catching coffee kiosk design. Here are a few tips:

  • Use bright colours to ensure that no one overlooks your kiosk.
  • Lights can really help to improve the visibility of your kiosk, particularly at night.
  • Livery is a great way to incorporate imaginative designs into you coffee kiosk. An alternative to livery is to use stencils.

Coffee Kiosk Design – Reflect Your Business

Kiosks are often independent outlets or may have only recently been installed in an area, so consumers may not be familiar with them. For this reason you need to convey in a split second what you sell in your kiosk. This will help to ensure that you attract not just any customers but the right ones.  If you own a coffee kiosk try to ensure that the word “coffee” appears prominently somewhere on your unit.

Coffee Kiosk Design

Coffee Kiosk Design – Instantly Recognisable

Having an instantly recognisable kiosk can really help to encourage repeat business. While a customer may have really enjoyed your coffee, if they can’t differentiate your kiosk from another they may struggle to find you again. It’s a good idea to choose a design and colours that match your branding – this is particularly important for a kiosk that is related to a shop of an established brand.

Click the following link to find out more about our Coffee Kiosk Design or for information on welfare units click here

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