Customer beware, No Type Approval – No Sale
From 29th October 2012 very trailer that is built for use in the UK will need to comply with complex new type approval rules. In addition, every trailer manufactured will need European Community Whole Vehicle or National Same Series type approval. Without at least one of these approvals, trailers are not permitted to be used on the road. Alternatively, trailers can be subject to an Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) inspection which is of a lower standard with less technical requirements. Under IVA, vehicles have to be inspected by the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) on an individual basis.
AJC Retail have successfully achieved EC Whole Vehicle Type Approval (ECWVTA) for their complete product range, with VCA as the testing authority. VCA is an executive agency of the UK Department for Transport and the national approval authority for new road vehicles. ECWVTA is the highest standard achievable which will allow AJC Retail to self-certify trailers at their manufacturing facility in Luton, Bedfordshire. ECWVTA has the added advantage of allowing AJC to export approved trailers throughout Europe.
AJC’s approval numbers, issued by the VCA, are:
For further information on EC and UK type approval and how it may affect you, contact AJC Retail on 01582 486663, or follow the link on the Department for Transport website