Mobile Retail Units – Why Mobility Can Be a Boost to Business
Mobile retail units are available in a spectrum of varieties. They may be big or small; in your face or discreet; and, of course, fixed or freestanding and mobile. In this post, we concentrate on the latter variation of the humble retail unit and discuss a couple of the many benefits of mobility in the world of retail.
Follow Footfall
The ability to follow footfall is a major advantage of owning mobile retail units.
With a static unit, an owner relies on heavy footfall year round. This can be an unreliable business model and may leave an owner unable to maximise profitability.
For instance, a static unit located in a shopping centre may be extremely busy during certain periods of the year, such as the build up to Christmas, and in a position to sell a lot of products.
However, at other times of the year when numbers dwindle in the shopping centre, profits may fall considerably.
Conversely, an owner of a retail unit has the advantage of being able to follow footfall to take advantage of high volume events, such as music concerts or sporting festivals. This ensures that the owner is able to maximise profits throughout the year.
Plot Twists
Finding the right plot is an extremely important part of owning a retail unit. It is a process, in fact, that can make or break a business. However, it is difficult to predict the future, no matter how much research has been conducted.
With a static unit, you may be tied down to a long term rent deal on a particular plot. If the plot turns out not to be as profitable as you had hoped, it may be difficult and potentially costly to be released from the deal.
On the other hand, the shorter plot deals for mobile units means that if you find that your current area of commerce isn’t quite working for you, you have the freedom to up sticks and try somewhere else.
Mobile Retail Units – More Information
Are you interested in finding out more? Click on the following link for further information on our range of mobile retail units. For information on mobile welfare units click here